1.David Wagner
加州伯克利的教授,研究领域:Computer security, especially security of large-scale systems andnetworks. Applications of static and dynamic program analysis to computersecurity.
2.YanLindsay Sun
马里兰大学电子、计算机和生物医药工程系的副教授,研究领域:Network Security, Trustworthy Social Computing, Power Grid Security,Trust in Biomedical Systems.
3.Xiaowei Yang
杜克大学助理教授,研究领域:networks and distributed systems, with an emphasis on architecture design and security.
4.William Enck
北卡州立大学助理教授,研究领域: the design, optimization, and measurement of security for operating systems, specifically on mobile phones, and the complex environments in which they operate. Through the design and evaluation of practical enhancements to existing architectures, his research seeks to improve security guarantees in commodity computer systems.
5.Patrick P. C. Lee
香港中文大学副教授,研究领域: various applied/systems topics including cloud computing and storage, distributed systems and networks,operating systems, and security/resilience.
6.Dawn Xiaodong Song
加州伯克利教授,研究领域: Computer security, privacy, and applied cryptography, including security and privacy issues in systems, software, networking, and databases. Analysis of and defense against malicious code. Using program analysis,algorithms design, and machine learning for security and privacy.
7.Hao Chen
加州大学副教授,研究领域: in a broad range of security problems, including mobile and wireless security, Web security,software security, and network security.
8.Xinming (Simon) Ou
堪萨斯州立大学副教授,研究领域: enterprise network security defense, including automated security management, intrusion detection/response, and security metrics.
9.Li Xiong
埃默里大学副教授,研究领域: data privacy and security, distributed and spatio-temporal data management, and health informatics.
10.Scott Shenker
加州伯克利教授,研究领域: Internet Architecture, Software-Defined Networks, Datacenter Infrastructure, Large-Scale Distributed Systems, Game Theory and Economics, Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT), Security (SEC).
11.Xia Wang
亚利桑那州立大学副教授,研究领域: wireless (ad-hoc/mesh) networking and security, intrusion detection, intrusion response, key management, and congestion control.
12.Adrian Perrig
卡内基梅隆Adjunct(找资料发现是非终身的)教授,瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工学院教授,研究领域: networking and systems security, and specifically on the design of a secure next-generation Internet architecture.
13.Xiaofeng Wang
印第安纳大学副教授,研究领域: cloud and mobile security, data and health informatics security, software security, game-theoretic incentive engineering.
14.Guofei Gu
德州农工大学副教授,研究领域:Internet malware/botnet detection, defense, and analysis;Web and social networking security;Software-defined networking (SDN/OpenFlow) security;Mobile and Android security;Intrusion detection, anomaly detection.
15.Yih-Chun Hu
UIUC副教授,研究领域:security and systems.
16.David B. Johnson
Rice大学教授,研究领域:Mobile IP and different types of multihop wireless networking such as mobile adhoc networking, sensor networking, and mesh networking, including in the areas of routing, security, and medium access control (MAC) protocols.
17. PietroMichiardi
EURECOM副教授,研究领域:large-scale distributed systems (including data processing and data storage),and scalable algorithm design to mine massive amounts of data. Additional research interests are on system, algorithmic, and performance evaluationaspects of computer networks and distributed systems.
18.Robin Hillary Kravets
UIUC副教授,研究领域:Mobile Computing and Communications , including wireless LANs, ad hoc networks, sensor network, delay and disruption tolerant networks,vehicular networks, mobile social networks and personal area networks. enable effective power management, connectivity management, data transport, congestion management, location management, routing and security.
南佛罗里达大学助理教授,研究领域:computer and network security, with an emphasis on designing and implementing defense approaches that protect emerging wireless technologies from being undermined by adversaries;security of cyber-physical systems,especially in smart grid security.
20.ZygmuntJ. Haas
康乃尔大学教授,研究领域:Wireless Communications and Mobile Systems, and Biologically-inspired Complex Systems and Networks.
南加州大学教授,研究领域:computer architecture, parallel processing, distributed systems,high-performance computing, cloud computing, networking and communications, P2P networks, pervasive computing, and network security etc.
22.Hulya Seferoglu
伊利诺大学芝加哥分校助理教授,研究领域:design, analysis, and optimization of network protocols and algorithms. particularly interested in network optimization, network coding, and multimedia streaming.
23.Philip Levis
斯坦福大学副教授,TinyOS的主要开发者,研究领域:operating systems, networks, and software design, especially wireless networks, sensor networks, and embedded systems.
23.Jie Gao
石溪大学副教授,研究领域: applied computational geometry and distributed algorithm design with applications in wireless sensor networks.