可视化方面,AutoNetkit采用 d3.js网络渲染引擎,提供实时的网络设计反馈。下图是可视化的例子:
$ pip install autonetkit //For the visualization: $ pip install autonetkit_vis
Fast Network Simulation Setup (FNSS) is a toolchain allowing network researchers and engineers to simplify the process of setting up a network experiment scenario. It allows users to:
- Parse a topology from a dataset or a topology generator or generate it according to a number of synthetic models
- Configure links with capacity, weights, delays and buffer sizes
- Deploy applications and protocol stacks on nodes
- Generate traffic matrices
- Generate event schedules
- Deploy network and workload configuration to a number of simulators and emulators
FNSS comprises a core library (written in Python) and a set of adapters. The core library provides all capabilities for generating the experiment scenario. The adapters allow users to export scenarios generated with the core library to ns-2, ns-3, Mininet, Omnet++, Autonetkit and jFed as well other simulators or emulators through the Python core library itself or the provided Java and C++ libraries.